You enter your email address into the box & they will give you the code to receive the bundle for FREE. I had no problems with it asking for payment after the code was entered.
I originally read about this via:
Some info about what is included & the link to the resource:
The Homeschool Mom Rescue Set is just what you need! Free for 3 days only
for HSG Subscribers!
Each audio set is valued at $5 & comes with a cooresponding PDF ~ Total Value $50! Here's what you get:
Dinner Is On The Table by Felice Gerwitz
No Mega-Cooking necessary! Felice explains how a busy life and meals on the table do mix.
Seven R's for Homeschooling by Meredith Curtis
More than reading, writing and arithmetic--Meredith shares amazing insights for homeschool moms.
Square Pegs Round Holes by Tara Jenner
One size does not fit all - or even "most" and Tara explains hot to make the most of your child's gifts.
Too Many Eggs In My Basket by Judy Dudich
Over-committed? Overtaxed? This talk is for you.
Difficult Child by Kathie Morrissey
Everyone's child is not perfect - but maybe you are struggling with yours? Kathie has tips & real help for Mom.
When Planning Fails by Felice Gerwitz
Life doesn't follow a neat orderly path, even when we plan in advance and in detail. Felice knows this firsthand and shares ways to make lemonade from lemons.
Raising World Changers by Meredith Curtis
Why settle for mediocrity? We are children of the King and Meredith tells us how to set goals that give glory to God.
Organization & Planning by Tara Jenner
Get your school year
Frustrated Stressed by Kathie Morrissey
Stress? Anger? Discouragement? Katie discusses causes and how to deal with them.
Precious to God by Felice Gerwitz
During trials Felice realized the Lord doesn't make mistakes. Uplifting
The Homeschool Mother's Prayer Album
The first song in the album for homeschool moms - "Homeschool Mother's Prayer," encouraging and uplifting!
<3 Mama Lee <3
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