Thank you for joining me on my new blog. For some years I have been encouraged to write my own blog, by friends & family... while I have always been very flattered that you think so highly of what I have to share, I have not felt I ever had the time. No, I have not found any extra time, per se, but recently I have decided I would give blogging a try, just spending a few minutes here or there, as my "me" time. I have felt God wanting me to share some of what He has allowed me to learn over the past several years, so we'll see how it goes.
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This sums up my season of life about now! LOL |
If things go well, I'd like to be able to provide recipes, chit-chat, reviews, giveaways, & lots more, but 1st I need to build up my readers before people & companies will want to take a chance on my blog by offering giveaways. So, PLEASE remember to comment on the posts... it not only provides encouragement & feedback to me, it inspires ideas for future posts & tells business owners that they have a chance at reaching prospective clients when they see that people follow AND participate in this blog. I'll share what we do in our home & you share too!! Much of what I have learned has been from my mama friends IRL, some very talented family members, & from other bloggers. I LOVE sharing what I have learned, what has worked for us & what hasn't, and hearing from others.
This blog adventure is as much about you & yours, as it is about me & mine... hence the name,
"All Things Mine & Yours"...
A blog by me, for us!!
Now let the fun begin!!
It's your turn to tell me some things you'd like to read about... this week some of the things I made are yogurt, buttermilk, kombucha tea, water kefir, and gluten free chicken & dumpling soup... what did YOU do this week?? Did you try any new recipes?? Do you have special food needs, such as gluten free, dairy free, etc?? What are some things you want to learn how to do/make?? I have lots of things I plan on trying to make as soon as I can... like lip balm, body butter/balm, diaper cream (can also be used as hand cream), cookies, granola, flower clips, etc. Do you have any plans to make something??
I am posting a comment to test the settings... I have received email from people trying to post a comment, but have been unable to do so :(...
ReplyDeleteI am trying to figure it out & hope to have it tweaked soon :)!
Mama Lee, what are you doing up at 1:23 am? Love your beautiful blog.
ReplyDeleteShhhhhhhhhhhh!!! Me time!! LOL Actually, it started w/baby Lee not wanting to sleep... then I felt God calling me to do something (yes, sometimes He has strange hours.. but I suppose since He is up all night it goes w/the territory ;0)... & once it was done, I came to the computer to shut it down... but then I saw a few emails about the "comment" feature not working... & so you know how that goes, right?! LOL
DeleteOh, & TY for the very kind words!!
DeleteMama Lee, I’d like to know how to make raw yogurt. All the recipes I’ve seen call for the milk to be heated to 180 degrees or so to allow the starter bacteria to thrive. This seems to defeat the purpose if there are healthy bacteria in the raw milk to begin with. Is there a way to make yogurt without heating it so high? Besides this, I’d like to know how to culture veggies and dairy products. Is it really necessary to use starters? I don’t understand why if it was done in the past without fancy equipment and ingredients.
ReplyDeleteRyan, those are very good questions & I agree... as far as the yogurt goes, to keep it raw you heat the yogurt to 110 degrees, & watch it very closely w/a good thermometer to keep it from going over. I got my thermometer at WalMart for approx $8. I needed to temp water in gluten free baking & cooking, but I found it works very well for the yogurt too. That makes the $8 I had to shell out less painful for my frugal self!
DeleteI got my yogurt "starter" from a friend but you can use store bought, if someone doesn't have a friend w/some spare yogurt to use as a starter.
I will do a post about yogurt making in the next few days w/what has worked for me so far. I have 2 jars setting up right now & I made them both a little different as part of a recipe comparison. I will post the results, as well as the how-to next!
About veggie culturing, I am new to culturing veggies, so I will share what I learn as I experiment further... I haven't gotten that far yet though. I have done a lot of research, but haven't yet gotten beyond dill pickles & cucumber pickles (those that taste more like cukes, rather than an actual dill pickle). I am fascinated by beet kvass, which is a probiotic beverage made from beets, much like kombucha & I plan on trying that when I can get some organic beets to try it with :).
Not much cooking going on here - just Crocheting. I'm Making headbands for the Indiana compound - everybody want's to learn how, I might have to start a school. Even got Angela started. I'm making some scarves and hand warmers too. not doing much cooking now. Using up the leftover stash in the freezer. Happy to be home from CA and all lands in-between. Let me know when you're ready for another "crochet school" day.
ReplyDeleteSounds like a lot of fun! We have a knitting fool over here having a blast w/that. We'd love a crochet day again soon & you can do a guest post on crocheting, if interested ;0)!!
DeleteUsing up the freezer stash is good... leaves room for cooking more & give you more time for crocheting in the meantime :0)!!
I have been so blessed by you in real life and now I have to share you with the world??? sigh, I guess that would be okay:) you are such an amazing person and what a treat the world is in for to get to know you through your blog:) xoxxo
ReplyDeleteAwww, you are so sweet & pretty amazing yourself (I am blushing over here)!! By God's grace we will figure life out... okay, maybe not quite figure it out, but we can at least try to learn how to live to the fullest while doing our best to honor & glorify Him :0). xoxoxo back to you too!!