1) I spend less money :0)...
2) NO potty breaks every 5-15 minutes (one store we went to the bathroom 6 times in ONE hour... & the kiddo only peed ONE time...ONE.TIME...)...
3) No whining about starvation & saying I didn't feed them as onlookers glare at me with that, "Are you crazy lady?!" look, even though we literally JUST ATE in the van right before walking into the store...
4) Bananas make it home w/out getting stepped on, bruised, smooshed, etc. (If I didn't know any better, I'd think my kids were paid off by Dole & Chiquita to make sure we go through 2 tons of bananas a week.... either that, or they REALLY like smoothies?!)... between the kids & the cashiers who MANHANDLE the produce after I ever so CAREFULLY hand pick it... I have had to bite my tongue a few times when the cashiers literally PLOP the bag of apples down or PLUNK the bananas down... I think my LEAST favorite cashier move was the one who put 6, YES 6, bunches of BANANAS in ONE bag... I should have just brought the blender to store to make the smoothies on the spot, no?!
All I can say is good thing for smoothies... & as much as mushy bananas from kids stepping on them drives me nutty, it will ironically be something I miss one day when the kiddos are grown... I don't think I will miss the cashiers manhandling them, but my kids, I will!!
Do YOU shop alone?? Do YOUR bananas look like these when you get home?? What do you do when the cashiers are rough with YOUR produce?! Do you drink as many banana smoothies as we do (especially lately since I have to shop w/all of the kids & the bananas rarely make it home unscathed)?? What do YOU do with mushy bananas?! What are your favorite banana recipes?!
I set the Bananas on my purse, then they are the LAST item on the belt and I make the cashier put them in a bag all by themselves - that's because I had a teenage boy pack my bananas UNDER soup cans once. they ride on the top of everything else out to the car and sit up front with me so that nothing heavy gets them in the trunk. First thing into the house and on to the banana tree. but I shop alone for sure!
ReplyDeleteYou described what I do, minus the teenage boy!! LOL Ours ride on the bottom of the cart, get put on the belt last, & get tucked into safe places in our vehicle... if the cashier isn't rough, then the kids usually bruise them someway, somehow... LOL.
DeleteI am SO careful with them, yet they almost NEVER make it into our home unscathed... although, I have to give kudos to my darlings... we got bananas last week & them made it home BLEMISH FREE!! 1st time in months :).